"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Slowly Failling???

So I rewarded myself last weekend (for losing the 10 pounds) with a weekend away with Chris and it was awesome. We went to St. Joe's Island to Mark and Tanya's cabin and stayed there for the a couple days. It was really relaxing and I enjoyed it very much. While I was there though I can't say that I stayed completely on track... I had a fair bit of candies and chocolates just because they were there, and lets face it, I have very little will power. I find myself  "cheating" a fair amount lately. Like I said in my last blog, this is always the time where I seem to stop caring, I start to get comfortable and I just let things go. I'm also finding myself extremely hungry all the time in these last few weeks (which is odd because I was fine before) and so I just eat all the time and not always the healthiest of choices. I also have a husband who likes to cook and make delicious food (which trust me I'm not complaining) but the other day, he made deep fried Chicken and Pickles (in beer batter) so they were incredibly high in calories, but since he worked so hard to make it I didn't have the heart to tell him that I didn't want to eat it. I'm not trying to blame him  though, it is my choices that are causing me to falter. This is honestly the hardest part of my challenge and I'm hoping and praying that I can get through it so I can see the end results and feel absolutely amazing and get my Jeans that Chris has promised me. So here's to the next half of my weight loss challenge. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 7, 2011

10 pound victory!

So I've done it! On Friday morning I weighed myself and I'm happy to report I'm officially down 10 pounds since I've started counting calories and 20 since Christmas which was when I actually started trying.

 Well I really haven't been doing to much in the last week so there isn't much to report. I've been doing lots of walking and I've been staying within my calorie limit. A big concern of mine now that I've lost this weight is that I've hit my usual plateau... Once I get to this point I always seem to get it in my head that I can cheat and eat bad things or that I don't have to work as hard because I've already lost this much. I'm going to try my hardest to stay focused and continue to work out because if nothing else it's making feel alot better about myself.

 For the next half of this challenge (the last 15-20 pounds) I'm really looking forward to fitting into my skinny jeans that right now are snug but should fit perfectly in the next couple of weeks. I'm also looking forward to feeling great in a bathing suit and just enjoying myself this summer so I'm really hoping these positive thoughts will keep me going and give me the push I need to get through.