"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The weekend... I DID IT!!

So I always find weekends are impossible to stay on track. First off on Saturday I'm home all day and usually bored so therefor to pass the time I eat.... I eat anything I can find. Well this Saturday I managed to stay on track and I felt GREAT!!! I didn't go for a walk like I wanted to sadly because it's like -20 outside and well, I don't hate the way I look THAT much, so instead I just continued with the calorie counting and stayed 200 calories below my alloted amount for the day. Today was a tough one because it's church day, and church day always means yummy unhealthy food. We started out with Sunday School where we had french toast with the kids, but luckily for me I brought a clementine and ate that. After church when the fellowship came out I avoided it by staying upstairs in the auditorium and having fellowship with a few of the members there. I also found out in my calorie counting that by house cleaning (moderate) for an hour, you lose 250 calories!!! Who knew?? So I did that and a quick 15 minute workout that came with my skecher shape ups. (which btw worked my calves, thighs and core woot woot). So because I managed to burn off over 300 calories, I was able to partake in a delicious supper and my Aunts house tonight with the family. I had a little bit of everything (and stayed withing my calorie limit for the day, with 200 to spare!!). I got to eat bbq ribs and chicken wings, I had 4 potato wedges, 2 onion wrings (sadly yes they were deep fried but oh so good), 1/2 a cup of yummy cheddar ale soup, a slice of black olive cabiatta bread, salad (lots of that) and a GINORMOUS (and I mean it when I say it) pickle.  Man if i can eat like that and still lose weight just by staying within the allotted calories and exercising (which if i hadn't done, i wouldn't have been able to eat half of that stuff, for 2 ribs it's over 200 calories OUCH) then this will be easier then I thought. I know the grease wasn't good for me, but i figure once in a while in moderation can't hurt. So all in all I feel this weekend was a great success and I hope next weekend will be just as easy. Have fun and a good week to all!!


Friday, January 28, 2011

Days 4 and 5.... Those shoes are made for walking

So I picked up my shoes yesterday WOOT WOOT and today i finally got to try them out properly. They are amazing!! In 15 minutes of walking I could feel the difference in my legs and butt from when i normally walk. They are also supposed to help with posture so that would be great too, cause i definitely don't want to look like the hunchback of notre Dame, which sadly has been seeming more like a reality lately. So as for the shoes they are fantastic and i look forward to walking in them again tomorrow and i recommend them to all of you.

As for the diet... the last 2 days have gone really well. I've even started tracking my calorie intake (made super easy by a fantastic cell phone app) and so far i've been right on track! Yay,

So now I really hope i can continue on this upward trend throughout the weekend when i don't have my daily routine to keep me on the right track. SO here's hoping to fabulous relaxing and healthy weekend.

Have fun all!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 2 and 3 ... Steps in the right direction

Well yesterday was a success full of eating healthy, walking and even volleyball and it gave me motivation to stay on track today and so far so good. sadly though i didn't do my walk today cause i had a doctors appt. right after work, and the place i walk closes at 430 so i was out of luck, but that just means tomorrow I'll walk a little longer. I also get my awesome Sketcher Shape-Ups tomorrow and I'm SOOO excited to start walking in those. I'll let you  know how they work. I'm also going to look into joining a Zumba fitness class in the next month or so, so hopefully that will help as well, hopefully by summer I'll be down 15 - 20 pounds and beach ready but for now a day at a time is all i can do.

On another note I want to make this blog more interesting for you guys to read so if you have a few suggestions on what I can do that would be great!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1.... barely even started

So today was the first day and it started out great, I had a special k breakfast (nom nom), a salad for lunch and fruit and veggies throughout the day. Even my supper was a yummy stir fry filled with veggies and even went for a walk, but then the evening hit... my downfall every time. Chris made some banana muffins so i ate half of one, not too bad i could handle that, but  then i went out to visit Sis. Cerny and Steph. Sis. Cerny made me a cake :o( and of course i had to have some (i didn't want to be rude). I also didn't want to go empty handed so i had brought some carrot muffins and had some of that too. So sadly i can't call today a success but definitely a stepping stone in the right direction, if only i could skip the evenings. So my question i have from today is how do you say no when you're at someones house? Is there a polite way? Or do you just eat it and continue on?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Challenge

So I've decided to try and lose some weight to feel better about myself but i always find that I can NEVER stick to it whenever I try. A few years ago i managed to lose 60 pounds by eating right and walking, I had never felt better. Well 5 years and a husband later I've gained about 30 of that back, and just don't feel "pretty or sexy" anymore. So I've decided to start this blog to challenge myself and hopefully keep me motivated everyday to keep going and stay fit. I hope that by doing this I can get the support that I need from my family and friends and the encouragement when I fail to get back up and start again. In the end my goal is to be to the weight I was when I first met my husband and keep it off. Another reason for doing this is that I have some preexisting back issues from childhood and when I gain weight it hurts to walk and do basic daily activities. Now I haven't had any major issues with this as of yet, but my fear is that when my husband and I decide to have a child that with the extra weight I will have issues carrying it so I'm hoping that being proactive I can be a healthy mom and have a wonderful happy pregnancy when the time comes.