"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Saturday, July 30, 2011

2 Week Update

How far along? 18 weeks, 3 Days. Sorry for the delay I was really busy and when I wasn't I was lazy.

18 weeks, 3 Days ( a little baby belly going on)

How big is baby? 5.6 inches or 14 cm plus legs! Think sweet potato, or about the size of your palm.

Weight gain? + 3pds, 13pds in total.... I'm glad for the encouragement last week from Rachel who told me it's ok if I gain the weight (just hope my doctor feels the same way :oS). I just hope I can lose it as well as she has after the baby is born, like I did before the baby.

Symptoms? Feeling Fantastic! Which is what I've been waiting for. Although I had a few weird out of the blue days but nothing to crazy. 2 weeks ago, I just randomly got sick, I didn't feel sick, my stomach was fine before and after the baby just apparently did not like what I had eaten that morning. Then on Monday I had an out of the blue I had the full fledged morning sickness again. Weird. Other then that things have been great and I've been feeling fine.

Sleep? Still getting up to pee once a night, and now crazy dreams are being thrown in (not sure if that's pregnancy related or not). Also I'm restless and uncomfortable most nights which leads to poor sleeping, but once again not sure if that is pregnancy related or not.

Food cravings? Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate (last week), Cheeses and Kraft Dinner this week. Weird...

Movement? Not yet.... still not so patiently waiting. I'm honestly starting to get a little nervous cause I haven't felt anything yet (other then that one time weeks ago). I'm  hoping everything is ok in there, I"ll find out on Tuesday at the doctors.

What I am looking forward to? Finding out the gender! It's coming quickly! And of course feeling those flutters.

What we're hoping for: I know Chris really wants a boy (he's scared to raise a girl) and I don't care either way. I do know a boy would be nice though, only for my  poor little cousin Sam. We have 4 little cousins here in the Sault and out of all of them Sam is the oldest and ONLY boy. He's really hoping to have a younger male cousin to hang out with.

Little Gifts:

These are the CUTEST runners from a friend in our Congregation at church. I LOVE them and Can't wait to wear them!

These are the most ADORABLE booties from our roommate Krystal. So CUTE!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How far along? 16 week, 7 days (I've been really busy so I'm incredibly late with this post)

How big is baby? About 4" plus legs. That's the size of an advocado

So it looks a bit bigger and higher up then last week, but it could just be the clothes i'm wearing.

Weight gain? I've honestly lost count from week to week, but I know I'm up 10 in total. That isn't great but I'm hoping if  I can average it out to 10pds a trimester I'll be fine. Here's hoping the Doctor agrees.

Symptoms? Just nauseous and sick with the heat, (this week is bad especially). Oh and random vomiting when I don't even feel sick. I'm assuming the baby just doesn't like certain foods.

Sleep? Still getting up once a night and my back aches alot but all in all I"m sleeping well.

Food cravings? Aurora's garden salad (those from the Sault know what I'm talking about). I even went to the restaurant and bought just their salad dressing. Now i can have it whenever I want. YAY
Movement? I felt a butterfly like fluttering about a week and a half ago. I'm pretty sure it was baby but I haven't felt it since so I'm excited to see if it happens again. 

What I am looking forward to?Still hearing the heartbeat (my appt. got postpone) and feeling the baby move once again.

Milestones? MOrning sickness.... DONE, Daily Naps... DONE. And coolest thing of all... the baby can now hear. :o) Which means when I talk to the baby I"m no longer a crazy lady speaking to my belly but a loving mother (still crazy) speaking to her BABY!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekly Update

How far along? 15 weeks + 4 day

How big is baby? The size of an ORANGE! That's crazy the baby is getting so big so fast!

Weight gain? None this week! So I'm hoping I can manage to stay here for a bit so the doctor doesn't get to upset with me the next time I see him in 2 weeks. 
Maternity clothes? I finally ordered some online at Oldnavy.com and target.com. I'm waiting for them to come in and I'm so excited. I ordered a pair of Jeans, a dress, black and white and a couple tops. I still need a few tshirts but I'm waiting for a sale (everything but the jeans were all on clearance). I was wondering about the b-bands... do they work and are they worth it? I'm really not sure what they are or how they even work. Anyone (Rachel especially) have any opinions on it?

I think this is a baby belly.... but a big part of me thinks it's still just bloating. :o(

Symptoms? Well the morning sickness has basically gone and I'm starting to get more energy. I find myself still getting sick though when it's hot and when I haven't had nearly enough sleep. Other then that I seem to be doing ok now and I'm looking forward to the next 3 months and what they will bring. 
Sleep? It is getting better, I'm sleeping through the night alot more now and I'm not napping nearly as much. (Although I still nap at lunch everyday).

Food cravings? Nothing this past week, just still drinking lots of water. 

What I am looking forward to? Feeling the baby move. I think I felt it earlier this week... it felt like butterflies in my lower abdomen. I haven't felt it again, so I'm really not sure if it was the baby or something else. 

And that's that for this week. Nothing too exciting hopefully next week brings more.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Update and Other Stuff

How far along? 14 weeks + 3 day

How big is baby? According to TheBump.com the Fetus is about 3" (that seems so small but still so big)

Weight gain? - 1 pound. Which unfortunately means 8pds in total. (Yikes for this early on). I'm trying to focus more on what I eat and get back into exercising so I can hopefully keep control on it from this point on. I really don't want to gain more then the 30 pds alloted for pregnancy.

Maternity clothes? Still none, other then all the baby doll shirts that I already owned, but I'm going to start looking online this week. I was told by a friend of mine to look at Target.com and Oldnavy.com so I'll give both of those a try. I NEED to find a black skirt very shortly. 

Symptoms? Well I'm happy to say the morning sickness for the most part has left. Yay! I find I only really get sick now if I wear myself out or get to tired or if I get too hot. Then it's really bad so I try to stick to my naps and if that's not possible then I go to bed early and stay cool as best I can. I've started getting headaches but they aren't too bad so that's a plus. Oh and the constant acne that I've had since the beginning that just won't go away. So for the most part I've been feeling GREAT! Yay!!

Sleep? It's getting better. I still wake up to pee but not till around 5am or later, but I've had a few nights with Major lower back pain (which I always had before so not really due to pregnancy) but I got a full body pillow and that seems to have helped it so I'm sleeping much better. 

Food cravings? Can't really say... nothing really sticks out. I've been really enjoying watermelon though and constantly drinking water. Other then that the appetite is pretty normal.

What I am looking forward to? The next doctors appt where I can hear the heart beat again and finding out about the sex of the baby. Oh and I can't wait to OFFICIALLY have a baby belly. Right now it looks like one, but I can assure you... it's all just bloating and my stomach that I started with.


 Gifts from friends and family and a little something I picked up:

These are a little gift from my Sister-In-Laws mom. It was the first baby things I got I was soooo excited and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

 This is a crib from the 1800's that my brother Matt picked up for me last week. It's so absolutely beautiful. My plan (cause it's so nice and I want to show it off) is to actually have it in the living room as a little cradle type bed for the baby to take naps in when we're just chillaxing on the couch. If  I were to keep it in the nursery no one would ever get to see it because it's going to stay closed to keep our cats out. 

And these are the first thing I've bought. I found them at the Rexall near our house and could NOT pass them up. They are sooo cute and soft (I want a pair for myself lol)

Enjoy your week and stay tuned for next weeks adventures!