"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

All the News!

Ok so I know it's been awhile. It has been crazy busy around here and unfortunately I've had very little time to blog. Even now I'm writing just before leaving on vacation so this will be a quick post with LOADS of info.

So here's the big one.... IT'S A.... BOY!!!! We're so very excited and happy (Chris most of all lol)

I'm finally feeling him move and boy is he moving. He likes to kick all the time and  I love it.

My doctor was not upset with me at the last visit about my weight which was fantastic, I guess I've finally leveled out and I'm now snacking on more fruits and veggies instead of all the junk. I'm also adding in some walking with my bestie once a week which is giving me some form of exercise.Oh and at the appt. I also got to hear the heartbeat, it was so beautiful!

I've been feeling great and the baby bump is now official ( I tried taking a pic tonight but none were turning out so I promise to post one as soon  as I'm back.)I had one random sick day again on Monday but other then that things have been going fantastic. Oh and I think maybe I'm discovering allergies that I didn't know I had.... odd.

So I believe that is all for now. I'll post again when I get back and I will try my best to stay more current with these and not wait weeks on end to post again.

 I love you all and have fun!