"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A BIG Thankyou!

I'm starting this blog off by saying a HUGE thankyou to all those who were at my baby shower this week and to all those who were their in spirit but could not physically be there. Chris and I were shown more love then you could even imagine. Friends and family provided things that Chris and I were stressing out about having to buy and now we don't have too. Even my Sister-In-Law flew in for the occasion as a surprise (and yes I bawled my eyes out). It was a beautiful and I couldn't ask for better friends or family. Chris and I are so incredibly blessed to have all of you in our life.

How far along? 34 Weeks, 7 Days (I start my 35th week tomorrow)
How big is baby? ~4.75 pounds

Gender? Boy

Weight gain? I'll guess around 40 pounds. (I know.... OUCH), but as soon as this baby is out, I'm ready to start walking with him and doing whatever I can to get back on track. Hello weight loss blog lol. 

Symptoms? Knots in my legs, he's kicking my side which sometimes causes pain and constantly having to pee. Oh and lets not forget about the "dribbling" when i sneeze, cough or laugh lol.  
Food cravings? Water, water and more water
Sleep? Good nights and bad nights. Sunday night after the baby shower I had an anxiety attack (i guess it all just kinda hit and I started panicking) plus had heartburn which constantly woke me up. All in all it was a horrible night but I slept in and felt better. For the most part though I sleep fairly well, other then the back pain that hits but if i switch positions I'm fine.

Movement? Yes. Tons! and I'm now starting to see it through the clothing which is kinda creepy but cool at the same time. His side kicks are so hard sometimes I can actually feel and almost grab his foot. I can't wait to meet the little guy. 
Stretch Marks: Sadly yes (I had faint one prior too, from being a larger girl) but there aren't too many that you can actually see (red).

Belly Button: Still an innie but if I push around it it turns to an outie lol I love it. (I know I'm weird)
What I am looking forward to? Well it was the baby shower but that happened as a surprise so now it's happened and is done. Now I'm looking forward to putting stuff together and actually organizing the nursery, and I promise I'll post photo's when it's done.
Belly Photo:
I've FINALLY Popped!