"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Monday, May 28, 2012

Getting down to bussiness

I'm in Love! Well of course with my husband and my little guy, but I'm also in love with my new purse. I know I sound crazy but these purses are so amazing I've even decided to sell them. They're called Miche Bags. These bags are fantastic, you can change the look without changing the purse (which I hate to do). I'm having my first party on June 7th, and I'm very excited. I'll be having an open house the week after that. I'm really so excited about this new business endeavor I can't wait to get started. Even if you're not interested please pass the site along to anyone who you think might be, it would be greatly appreciated. And for all my out of town friends I will come and do shows there as well I Love to travel and would be a great excuse for a visit. (A Facebook page will be coming soon)

I've also started a Facebook page called Sarah's Cute as a Button Creations to display and sell my baby gear and other stuff I've been making. Please feel free to take a look.http://www.facebook.com/SarahsCuteAsAButtonCreations

I know it seem crazy that I'm starting all this and it is a big risk but I'm willing to take it. It's scary and exciting all at the same time and I'm looking forward to every second of it. Mind you I wouldn't be able to do this without the love and support of my husband and parents (who of course watch Eli while I do my "creating" and home parties).

I really hope I can do this and with the support of all of you I know I can (please don't feel pressured to purchase or anything) just keep me in mind and promote me and "like" my Facebook page and share. It's still a work in progress and I'm continually making new things and getting new ideas so if any of you have any suggestions or comments on how to make it better please let me know.

Below are a few samples of what will be on the facebook page and a look at the purses. Please check out the websites for more info Thanks

The Cookies! Oatmeal chocolate and butterscotch chews! Mine and Chris' Favourite cookie!
The First baby sling, more will be coming with way better pictures. I use mine daily!
The Perfectly Purple Bib and Clip collection!

The Purses! Check out the site, book a party or come to the open house. Trust me you'll be amazed I know I was. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My newest challenge!

Today I've decided I'm going to go two whole weeks without sweets! I need to get them out of my system so I can start eating healthy and lose that weight I need to. So I'm switching from chocolate and candies to fruits and veggies. Wish me luck! It's going to be 2 weeks of cranky. Day 1 starts now!

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers Day and a whole lot more!

What I've been up to lately:

So my life has been pretty hectic lately, simply because I've taken on a boatload of projects to try and bring in a bit of money for the family. I've taken up sewing (which I never thought I would do), and turns out... I love it. I've started making bibs that also work as receiving blankets after feedings, soother clips and just recently baby slings. My next project will be the baby sling with rings.
The Pacifier Clip

The Sling

The Blanket Bib (my newest ones have pockets to hold the soother clips)

I've also gotten into putting my favorite recipes into jars and will be seeing about selling those as well. 
These are oatmeal coconut chocolate butterscotch chip chews, also known as Dad's favorite cookies. 
What Eli has been up to lately:
   The night we almost lost a toe: So this happened last week... he had lost his sock while playing and when I went to put a new one on I realized his one toe looked red and swollen and a little odd. On closer examination I noticed his toe had a string or a hair wrapped so tightly around it it was cutting off the circulation. We had to bring him down to emerg (we couldn't get it off it was wound so tight) where they cut the string off and informed us that apparently this is a very common thing and we should always be checking his socks and sleepers. Ummmm... could they not have warned us of this before almost losing his toe?? Well I'm happy to inform you that he is good, his toe is healing perfectly and we are now diligent about checking his clothing, toes and fingers. 

His 4 month visit to the doctor:
  Weight: 12lbs 7oz
   Length: 24 inches
  Milestones: He rolled over! In his crib from his stomach to his back. We were so proud. :o) And tonight for the first time, he at a bowl of rice cereal, we've been mixing it in his bottle for awhile now, but tonight we tried giving it to him as cereal and he loved it! He's getting SOOO big! 
 Favorite Things: Still his bath time and now also watermelon! We let him try a bit the other night and he wouldn't stop eating it, so I went out and bought one of those things were you put fruit in the mesh bag so they can eat it. He loves it! We freeze the watermelon in it, and it's the perfect teething toy. 
The Best invention EVER!
His first taste of watermelon! 

He's doing really well and is incredibly Happy and healthy. We couldn't be happier and we can't wait to see how the next few weeks, months and years are going to be! 

My First Mothers day (well technically)
  So on my first official mothers day (I was pregnant last year, although not many new yet) we went to church in the morning where we were served delicious soup and sandwiches by the dads and kids and we were each given roses and candles made by our sunday school kids the day before. It was a beautiful morning and a great way to start the day. I then came home to a bouquet of flowers and a beautiful card. I also got a gorgeous watch, but I opened that before church so I could wear it. We then went to my parents for a bit and came home and had a small bbq with just the 3 of us. Eli went to bed early and Chris and I were able to spend a little time watching a movie ( we don't get to do that too often anymore) and then went to bed. It was a wonderfully quiet day and I couldn't ask for anything more. I love my husband and little man and I'm incredibly blessed to have them in my life.

A Few Pictures
Chillaxin at church while the kids made their crafts

Mothers Day!

Playing in my bouncy chair.

Eating my first bowl of cereal. NOM NOM
Spending Time with my cousin Callie

Loving The Sunshine!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

4 months!!

So today is the day that our wonderful handsome baby boy turns 4 months old. All I can ask is where does the time go? He's getting so big so fast and it seems like every other week he goes through a growth spurt. He's so happy and smiley (when he's not teething that is) and I swear he's getting cuter by the minute (not that I'm bias or anything lol).

So in the past couple of weeks, my little man has grown to 25 3/4"  in length but has not gained a pound and has been getting some really bad teething days but all in all he's doing pretty well. He's now into a routine at night, 9 o'clock bottle, bath and asleep by 10. I love this because it gives Chris and I some alone time in the evenings. Mind you it also means that he's up and eating by 9, but that's o.k because by 11 am he's sleeping again for a nice long nap. The rest of the day he plays and eats and takes 20 - 30 minute naps through out the day.

These past couple of weeks have been really busy and he met new people and saw some familiar faces. We had a huge service at church last weekend and a 25th Anniversary party for a couple in our congregation. At this party he got to meet my cousins Carolyn and Jeff and their kids for the first time, Michelle and David Hemple from Sudbury with their kids, my old Evangelist and his wife from Cambridge (Evangelist and sister Buckley) and many others who were happy to meet him. He also got to see his Uncle Mark again but we sure missed his Aunt Tanya who had to work (boo!), Charla Wood (who watched him all through service so I could sing in choir from Sudbury and my Cousins Urs, Rebbecca, Mattie and Nate from North Bay. He also got to meet the District Apostle Woll and see the Apostle Dzur once again. He also got to meet my friend Hanna and her husband Adam from Manitoba and said goodbye to our friend Asked who moved back to Southern Ontario. He was such a good boy all weekend and I was so happy because 2 days before he was teething really bad and would not stop screaming but luckily he got better just in time for all the festivities.

There isn't too much else to report since my last blog, but on Tuesday we have a doctors appt. so I'll keep you all posted on his stats. Have a great weekend!

Oh P.S. I've also become somewhat crafty in the last week or so, I'll write more about that later.

Big Stretch

How mom finds me every morning

My awesome Easter Present from Cousin Josh

Playing Video Games with Daddy

Finally enjoying Tummy Time

Look at the Bib Mommy Made me.

And people say I don't Cry....