"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

40 Weeks!!!!

How far along? 40 Weeks exactly (where did the time go??)

How big is baby? No idea, but I'm really hoping he's not too big it scares the hell out of me lol

Gender? Boy (name will be posted on the next blog) ~ directly from the hospital

Weight gain? Sad to say in total 50 pounds (alright i'll tell the truth, 60... I'm not counting the first 10pds from immediately going off of my diet).
Symptoms? Pain down below, it feels like i have a bowling ball pushing on my pelvis that becomes worse at night when laying in bed and killer heartburn again. I thought I was in labour on the Friday before Christmas because I had lower back pain and contractions all day that were really close together, but they were only at about a 4 (on a pain scale from 1-10), and the timing between them were anywhere from 7 minutes apart to 2 minutes apart. Instead of going in I figured I'd go to bed, if i could sleep through them then i would and if they got worse then I'd go in. Well I'm glad I slept it off because I woke up the next morning (Christmas Eve day) feeling fantastic and full of energy. Since then my contractions have been minimal and sporadic so so far no labor and tomorrow I'll be officially overdue. 

Food cravings? Sushi and a Big Mac (at separate times)

Sleep? Surprisingly getting better (other then the pressure on the pelvic area which makes it hurt to roll over), and being off work is allowing me to nap at my leisure which is excellent. 
Movement? All the time, he's constantly rolling around and kicking me, but I love the feeling it lets me know that everything is ok in there and I'll be seeing him soon! 

Stretch Marks? Bah! Getting more and more, and they're getting darker as well. :(

Belly Button? An Innie

What I am looking forward to? Meeting and holding my baby for the first time and bringing him home and just getting to experience all that motherhood has to offer (oh and seeing if he's going to come out looking like Austin Powers lol)

Moments that haven't been fun in the last few weeks: 
Burning my hand with boiling hot water, which sadly did not induce labor and now a cold just before delivering and possible pink eye.... We'll see what the next week will bring, but at least I know that I only have a week to wait at most. If I don't go into labor before next thursday I will be induced.  

Moments I've enjoyed in the last few weeks:
Christmas with my family (i felt great the whole time), getting the nursery completely set up and done. Baking and just spending time with family and friends, especially Mark and Tanya who got to spend Christmas with us. Although I am sad that our little guy didn't come out early so he could meet them, but soon enough he will. 
Belly Photo:
40 weeks!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

At Last.... FULL TERM!

How far along? 37 Weeks! Full Term!

How big is baby? almost 6 and 1/3 pounds, the size of something called a Swiss Chard (It reminds me of cheese)

Gender? Boy

Weight gain? Sadly about 50 pds :o(

Symptoms? Heartburn, leg cramps and the last week, some contractions (I'm assuming braxton hicks)

Food cravings?  Chocolate, and breakfast foods (Bacon, eggs, pancakes and cereal) all my favorites as a child. Water and Milk.

Sleep? HAHAHAHA I wish. I wake up all night long because I can't get comfortable, I'm waking up to drink water cause I'm incredibly thirsty and then I'm peeing all the time. NOT FUN. The lack of sleep is brutal.

Movement? He still likes to kick my sides and move around when I go to bed, other then that the only real movement I feel is contractions.

Stretch Marks? Yes, I've always had them, but luckily you can't see them very well... they've gone white. But there are a few red ones on the top which hopefully will fade when I lose the weight again.

Belly Button? Still in.

What I am looking forward to? Meeting my little guy and seeing what he looks like. Will he be more like Chris or Me or will he look more like another family member. I"m constantly wondering how he'll look and I can't wait to find out.

Belly Photo: 
37 Weeks!


The Crib

The Change Table (and little baby towel holder from a friend)       

The Stuffies and Swings (and Duffus our cat, he likes to hide there)