"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

40 Weeks!!!!

How far along? 40 Weeks exactly (where did the time go??)

How big is baby? No idea, but I'm really hoping he's not too big it scares the hell out of me lol

Gender? Boy (name will be posted on the next blog) ~ directly from the hospital

Weight gain? Sad to say in total 50 pounds (alright i'll tell the truth, 60... I'm not counting the first 10pds from immediately going off of my diet).
Symptoms? Pain down below, it feels like i have a bowling ball pushing on my pelvis that becomes worse at night when laying in bed and killer heartburn again. I thought I was in labour on the Friday before Christmas because I had lower back pain and contractions all day that were really close together, but they were only at about a 4 (on a pain scale from 1-10), and the timing between them were anywhere from 7 minutes apart to 2 minutes apart. Instead of going in I figured I'd go to bed, if i could sleep through them then i would and if they got worse then I'd go in. Well I'm glad I slept it off because I woke up the next morning (Christmas Eve day) feeling fantastic and full of energy. Since then my contractions have been minimal and sporadic so so far no labor and tomorrow I'll be officially overdue. 

Food cravings? Sushi and a Big Mac (at separate times)

Sleep? Surprisingly getting better (other then the pressure on the pelvic area which makes it hurt to roll over), and being off work is allowing me to nap at my leisure which is excellent. 
Movement? All the time, he's constantly rolling around and kicking me, but I love the feeling it lets me know that everything is ok in there and I'll be seeing him soon! 

Stretch Marks? Bah! Getting more and more, and they're getting darker as well. :(

Belly Button? An Innie

What I am looking forward to? Meeting and holding my baby for the first time and bringing him home and just getting to experience all that motherhood has to offer (oh and seeing if he's going to come out looking like Austin Powers lol)

Moments that haven't been fun in the last few weeks: 
Burning my hand with boiling hot water, which sadly did not induce labor and now a cold just before delivering and possible pink eye.... We'll see what the next week will bring, but at least I know that I only have a week to wait at most. If I don't go into labor before next thursday I will be induced.  

Moments I've enjoyed in the last few weeks:
Christmas with my family (i felt great the whole time), getting the nursery completely set up and done. Baking and just spending time with family and friends, especially Mark and Tanya who got to spend Christmas with us. Although I am sad that our little guy didn't come out early so he could meet them, but soon enough he will. 
Belly Photo:
40 weeks!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

At Last.... FULL TERM!

How far along? 37 Weeks! Full Term!

How big is baby? almost 6 and 1/3 pounds, the size of something called a Swiss Chard (It reminds me of cheese)

Gender? Boy

Weight gain? Sadly about 50 pds :o(

Symptoms? Heartburn, leg cramps and the last week, some contractions (I'm assuming braxton hicks)

Food cravings?  Chocolate, and breakfast foods (Bacon, eggs, pancakes and cereal) all my favorites as a child. Water and Milk.

Sleep? HAHAHAHA I wish. I wake up all night long because I can't get comfortable, I'm waking up to drink water cause I'm incredibly thirsty and then I'm peeing all the time. NOT FUN. The lack of sleep is brutal.

Movement? He still likes to kick my sides and move around when I go to bed, other then that the only real movement I feel is contractions.

Stretch Marks? Yes, I've always had them, but luckily you can't see them very well... they've gone white. But there are a few red ones on the top which hopefully will fade when I lose the weight again.

Belly Button? Still in.

What I am looking forward to? Meeting my little guy and seeing what he looks like. Will he be more like Chris or Me or will he look more like another family member. I"m constantly wondering how he'll look and I can't wait to find out.

Belly Photo: 
37 Weeks!


The Crib

The Change Table (and little baby towel holder from a friend)       

The Stuffies and Swings (and Duffus our cat, he likes to hide there)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A BIG Thankyou!

I'm starting this blog off by saying a HUGE thankyou to all those who were at my baby shower this week and to all those who were their in spirit but could not physically be there. Chris and I were shown more love then you could even imagine. Friends and family provided things that Chris and I were stressing out about having to buy and now we don't have too. Even my Sister-In-Law flew in for the occasion as a surprise (and yes I bawled my eyes out). It was a beautiful and I couldn't ask for better friends or family. Chris and I are so incredibly blessed to have all of you in our life.

How far along? 34 Weeks, 7 Days (I start my 35th week tomorrow)
How big is baby? ~4.75 pounds

Gender? Boy

Weight gain? I'll guess around 40 pounds. (I know.... OUCH), but as soon as this baby is out, I'm ready to start walking with him and doing whatever I can to get back on track. Hello weight loss blog lol. 

Symptoms? Knots in my legs, he's kicking my side which sometimes causes pain and constantly having to pee. Oh and lets not forget about the "dribbling" when i sneeze, cough or laugh lol.  
Food cravings? Water, water and more water
Sleep? Good nights and bad nights. Sunday night after the baby shower I had an anxiety attack (i guess it all just kinda hit and I started panicking) plus had heartburn which constantly woke me up. All in all it was a horrible night but I slept in and felt better. For the most part though I sleep fairly well, other then the back pain that hits but if i switch positions I'm fine.

Movement? Yes. Tons! and I'm now starting to see it through the clothing which is kinda creepy but cool at the same time. His side kicks are so hard sometimes I can actually feel and almost grab his foot. I can't wait to meet the little guy. 
Stretch Marks: Sadly yes (I had faint one prior too, from being a larger girl) but there aren't too many that you can actually see (red).

Belly Button: Still an innie but if I push around it it turns to an outie lol I love it. (I know I'm weird)
What I am looking forward to? Well it was the baby shower but that happened as a surprise so now it's happened and is done. Now I'm looking forward to putting stuff together and actually organizing the nursery, and I promise I'll post photo's when it's done.
Belly Photo:
I've FINALLY Popped!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

3 Weeks Later....

How far along? 31 Weeks

How big is baby? 3.5 pounds and the size of a squash. (Kinda fitting because he's "squashing" my insides... I know cheesy :op )

Gender? Boy - Still haven't decided on a name, and we won't until he's born but we're constantly coming up with ones that we like. A new one being Charles (I LOVE this one), the only flaw...Chris wants Xavier as the middle name (think X-Men) So it seems that no matter what I'm going to lose out on choosing the middle name.

Weight gain? I don't know for sure. I think 30pds, but in the evening it's about 8-9 pds more.... Not fun. I definitely prefer the morning weight.

Symptoms? Peeing all the time, not being able to breath and the heart burn is back.

Food cravings? Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate (not good for the weight gain).

Sleep? No more sleeping on my back, and I'm up peeing all the time. Also I've started having some really crazy vivid dreams.

Movement? Yes. Thank goodness, I had a scare last Wednesday after being sick for the weekend. For a day and half the baby hadn't moved so I called the doctor and they sent me to the hospital. Luckily it was just a false alarm and my baby was being lazy (which made me feel horrible for going, but the doctors all said it was ok and that it happens). Since then the baby has been moving tons and it makes me very happy, and at my doctors appt. on Monday everything went PERFECT. So baby and I are doing great. YAY!

Other Stuff: No outtie belly button yet, not even close yet. I also had my Gestational Diabetes (GD) test done last Tuesday but I still haven't heard the results... I'm a little nervous but I'm praying that everything will be ok. It runs HUGELY in my family and my mom had GD when she was pregnant with me and when I was born my pancreas wasn't working. So odds are I probably do have it, but I'll let you all know after my next doctors appointment in 2 weeks. 

What I am looking forward to? Buying the crib, changing table and dresser and FINALLY setting up the nursery. It doesn't seem real yet, and I'm hoping doing this will make it more realistic. I'm a little torn between which set to get, maybe you guys can help.

Crib Set #1

Crib Set 2

Belly Photo: I will provide one later this week, My camera ran out of batteries and I have to go pick some up.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


How far along? 27 Weeks! Which means I'm coming to the end of my Second Trimester and into my 3rd on Wednesday. It is really amazing how quickly time goes by.

How big is baby? About 2 pounds and over 12" long.

Gender? Boy

Weight gain? +2 but luckily my weight gain is gradual now and the doctor is happy with it so that's good.

Symptoms? Really tired lately, but I think that is due to my lack of sleep at night. I haven't been sleeping because I have either developed allergies or have a had these on going cold symptoms for a few weeks now. Plus I've done nothing but worry and stress about having a baby and all the stuff that goes along with it, so that keeps me up. Then having to pee 1 to 2 times a night doesn't help and then add in the leg cramps, sleep is minimal these days. Which i know will only gets worse when my little bundle of joy actually arrives. Oh well, better get used to it.

Food cravings?None that I can think of, nothing has really stuck out.

Sleep? lol the symptoms statement says it all.

Movement? He's been kicking alot this week, Chris was cuddling me while i was sleeping and apparently he just went nuts kicking him like crazy.

What I am looking forward to? Starting my third trimester.

1) I"m terrified about being a mom, I was super excited at first but lately I"ve been wondering if I can actually do it. I mean, I changed my cousin Emma's diaper and I put it on wrong, and then when I had her for the day, she peed completely through her diaper. It was horrible :o(

2) I"m scared we won't be able to handle things financially with me on maternity leave (even though chris says we'll be fine). Our roomate just left so that extra income is gone, so I'm wondering if it will actually work out.

3) I'm honestly ashamed that I find myself complaining about lack of sleep and feeling sick and not actually enjoying the whole pregnancy part like i should and was really hoping I would, considering how blessed I am that I didn't lose this baby when it could have been a lot different.

4) I feel guilty for the child that I lost, that I don't get to hold him like I will this one or spend time with him, it genuinely makes me sad that that child has to miss out. I feel guilty being excited and anxious to see my son, when I don't get to see my other child. Has anyone else who's lost a child felt this way?

5) I'm scared daily that something is going to go wrong, like I shouldn't be so luckily to be this far along in my pregnancy.... I know it's crazy but my whole life I was scared that would have issues having children because of family history, and when I lost the first one I thought for sure I would have the same issues. Well it seems that I don't which is great, but I still in the pit of my stomach feel that it's too good to be true.

 6) Raising the baby in a household where I'm  NAC (New Apostolic Christian) and my husband isn't. We've talked about alot of stuff with how we're going to raise our son, but I still have a lot of concerns about praying before meals and bedtimes, I do that myself now, but how do i incorporate the baby and chris into that and make it a family ritual without making him uncomfortable? Also with Halloween around the corner, Chris has been expressing how excited he is to take our son out in really cute costumes and well I HATE Halloween... as a Christian and not believing in it, and around a special service that we have it makes it really hard for me to accept that our son might have to go out because I know that compromises on both mine and Chris' part will half to be made. I know it's still at least a year or two away yet, but I know that it will definitely be a major issue for us.

So those are my concerns and worries at the moment that have been keeping me up at night... I just hope I can find a way to make peace with myself otherwise it's going to be a LONG 3 months.

Belly Photo:

This is a bad photo... it's Sunday afternoon and I'm having a lazy day, so hence the lazy day clothing.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Weeks 24 and 25!

How far along?  25 Weeks, 2 Days

How big is baby? More than 1.5 pounds and the size of an eggplant! So crazy he's growing so fast.

Gender? Boy, no name yet... we won't officially decide till he is born and we see his beautiful face. We have a few thoughts though: Rory, Elijah, Drake, William, Evan, Ethan, Cameron and a boatload more. What do you think? I like the name William the best so far but Chris is determined the middle name be Robert after his step-father. SO William Robert... sounds great in long form but short form for both becomes Billy Bob or as my brother Mark likes to call him Bilbo. Sadly enough tho this name has now caught on and even I'm calling him Billy Bob or Bilbo lol. My poor child is doomed.

Weight gain? I weighed myself yesterday and I was -2 pds... so I'm going to say total weight gain so far about 20pds.

Symptoms? Leg and foot cramps, insane shortness of breath and oh the HEARTBURN. Thank goodness it's a myth, otherwise I'd have a little Austin Powers on my hands (remember in the movie, he came out with a hairy chest). Oh the mental pictures lol.

Food cravings?Nothing really, not since my sprinkle doughnut, which even though I still find them oddly delicious, I'm not needing one everyday.

Sleep? Good. I wake up to change positions every now and again and pee but other then that I can't complain. Seriously... I'm in bed by 930 most nights and I'm out cold immediately. I'm loving it. 

Movement?Lots and lots of hickups but not too many kicks (in fact they're very rare lately... should I be concerned)? I was supposed to see my doctor yesterday but once again he had to cancel so now I'm stuck waiting till the 27th (that's almost 2 months since my last appt.) I'm debating if I should call up my regular doctor and schedule an appt with him just to make sure. What do you think?

What I am looking forward to? Seeing my doctor!!! Feeling more baby kicks and just the next 3.5 months in general.

Belly Photo: None this week cause honestly it hasn't changed since my last post... another reason why i'm concerned... I don't seem to be growing. :o( 

 Alright... so Rachel requested below that there be a belly shot no matter what so here it is: 

Favorite Moment: About a week ago we were laying in bed and Chris was actually able to feel the baby move. He didn't say much, just that it felt almost like a heart beat (I think it was a hiccup)  and he gave me a kiss and cuddled. This little moment made me realize that even though he's terrified he's still going to love and cherish our son just like I will.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another Update (although a little late)

How far along?  23 weeks 6 days

How big is baby? 23 cm from head to heel, and over a pound! About the size of a large mango.

Gender? Boy

Weight gain? +21 pounds total

Symptoms? Still heartburn, muscle cramps and the not so sexy part.... gas lol. I also have those random days where I'm sick but I've been doing awesome so YAY!

Food cravings? Sprinkle Doughnuts from Tim Hortons. Kinda odd, cause I NEVER liked those before but I can't get enough now. 

Sleep?  Bah :o(  not so great  because my hips are all out of wack (so says the chiropractor) and if  I lay on my one side for too long my hips and lower back ache like no tomorrow and it causes me to barely sleep. Even the pillows don't help and now I'm forced to sleep on my back which I know isn't actually ideal.

Movement? Tons, when music is on he really goes crazy and I'm pretty sure the little bubble like movements are hiccups (which he seems to have constantly). Last week I felt him kick on the outside (it actually moved my arm) and that was pretty awesome, but he hasn't kicked that hard again since.

What I am looking forward to? My next doctors appt, on the 15th, it was supposed to be last week but our cat got really sick and I had to pick him up from the vet.

Belly Photo: 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

All the News!

Ok so I know it's been awhile. It has been crazy busy around here and unfortunately I've had very little time to blog. Even now I'm writing just before leaving on vacation so this will be a quick post with LOADS of info.

So here's the big one.... IT'S A.... BOY!!!! We're so very excited and happy (Chris most of all lol)

I'm finally feeling him move and boy is he moving. He likes to kick all the time and  I love it.

My doctor was not upset with me at the last visit about my weight which was fantastic, I guess I've finally leveled out and I'm now snacking on more fruits and veggies instead of all the junk. I'm also adding in some walking with my bestie once a week which is giving me some form of exercise.Oh and at the appt. I also got to hear the heartbeat, it was so beautiful!

I've been feeling great and the baby bump is now official ( I tried taking a pic tonight but none were turning out so I promise to post one as soon  as I'm back.)I had one random sick day again on Monday but other then that things have been going fantastic. Oh and I think maybe I'm discovering allergies that I didn't know I had.... odd.

So I believe that is all for now. I'll post again when I get back and I will try my best to stay more current with these and not wait weeks on end to post again.

 I love you all and have fun!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

2 Week Update

How far along? 18 weeks, 3 Days. Sorry for the delay I was really busy and when I wasn't I was lazy.

18 weeks, 3 Days ( a little baby belly going on)

How big is baby? 5.6 inches or 14 cm plus legs! Think sweet potato, or about the size of your palm.

Weight gain? + 3pds, 13pds in total.... I'm glad for the encouragement last week from Rachel who told me it's ok if I gain the weight (just hope my doctor feels the same way :oS). I just hope I can lose it as well as she has after the baby is born, like I did before the baby.

Symptoms? Feeling Fantastic! Which is what I've been waiting for. Although I had a few weird out of the blue days but nothing to crazy. 2 weeks ago, I just randomly got sick, I didn't feel sick, my stomach was fine before and after the baby just apparently did not like what I had eaten that morning. Then on Monday I had an out of the blue I had the full fledged morning sickness again. Weird. Other then that things have been great and I've been feeling fine.

Sleep? Still getting up to pee once a night, and now crazy dreams are being thrown in (not sure if that's pregnancy related or not). Also I'm restless and uncomfortable most nights which leads to poor sleeping, but once again not sure if that is pregnancy related or not.

Food cravings? Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate (last week), Cheeses and Kraft Dinner this week. Weird...

Movement? Not yet.... still not so patiently waiting. I'm honestly starting to get a little nervous cause I haven't felt anything yet (other then that one time weeks ago). I'm  hoping everything is ok in there, I"ll find out on Tuesday at the doctors.

What I am looking forward to? Finding out the gender! It's coming quickly! And of course feeling those flutters.

What we're hoping for: I know Chris really wants a boy (he's scared to raise a girl) and I don't care either way. I do know a boy would be nice though, only for my  poor little cousin Sam. We have 4 little cousins here in the Sault and out of all of them Sam is the oldest and ONLY boy. He's really hoping to have a younger male cousin to hang out with.

Little Gifts:

These are the CUTEST runners from a friend in our Congregation at church. I LOVE them and Can't wait to wear them!

These are the most ADORABLE booties from our roommate Krystal. So CUTE!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How far along? 16 week, 7 days (I've been really busy so I'm incredibly late with this post)

How big is baby? About 4" plus legs. That's the size of an advocado

So it looks a bit bigger and higher up then last week, but it could just be the clothes i'm wearing.

Weight gain? I've honestly lost count from week to week, but I know I'm up 10 in total. That isn't great but I'm hoping if  I can average it out to 10pds a trimester I'll be fine. Here's hoping the Doctor agrees.

Symptoms? Just nauseous and sick with the heat, (this week is bad especially). Oh and random vomiting when I don't even feel sick. I'm assuming the baby just doesn't like certain foods.

Sleep? Still getting up once a night and my back aches alot but all in all I"m sleeping well.

Food cravings? Aurora's garden salad (those from the Sault know what I'm talking about). I even went to the restaurant and bought just their salad dressing. Now i can have it whenever I want. YAY
Movement? I felt a butterfly like fluttering about a week and a half ago. I'm pretty sure it was baby but I haven't felt it since so I'm excited to see if it happens again. 

What I am looking forward to?Still hearing the heartbeat (my appt. got postpone) and feeling the baby move once again.

Milestones? MOrning sickness.... DONE, Daily Naps... DONE. And coolest thing of all... the baby can now hear. :o) Which means when I talk to the baby I"m no longer a crazy lady speaking to my belly but a loving mother (still crazy) speaking to her BABY!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekly Update

How far along? 15 weeks + 4 day

How big is baby? The size of an ORANGE! That's crazy the baby is getting so big so fast!

Weight gain? None this week! So I'm hoping I can manage to stay here for a bit so the doctor doesn't get to upset with me the next time I see him in 2 weeks. 
Maternity clothes? I finally ordered some online at Oldnavy.com and target.com. I'm waiting for them to come in and I'm so excited. I ordered a pair of Jeans, a dress, black and white and a couple tops. I still need a few tshirts but I'm waiting for a sale (everything but the jeans were all on clearance). I was wondering about the b-bands... do they work and are they worth it? I'm really not sure what they are or how they even work. Anyone (Rachel especially) have any opinions on it?

I think this is a baby belly.... but a big part of me thinks it's still just bloating. :o(

Symptoms? Well the morning sickness has basically gone and I'm starting to get more energy. I find myself still getting sick though when it's hot and when I haven't had nearly enough sleep. Other then that I seem to be doing ok now and I'm looking forward to the next 3 months and what they will bring. 
Sleep? It is getting better, I'm sleeping through the night alot more now and I'm not napping nearly as much. (Although I still nap at lunch everyday).

Food cravings? Nothing this past week, just still drinking lots of water. 

What I am looking forward to? Feeling the baby move. I think I felt it earlier this week... it felt like butterflies in my lower abdomen. I haven't felt it again, so I'm really not sure if it was the baby or something else. 

And that's that for this week. Nothing too exciting hopefully next week brings more.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Update and Other Stuff

How far along? 14 weeks + 3 day

How big is baby? According to TheBump.com the Fetus is about 3" (that seems so small but still so big)

Weight gain? - 1 pound. Which unfortunately means 8pds in total. (Yikes for this early on). I'm trying to focus more on what I eat and get back into exercising so I can hopefully keep control on it from this point on. I really don't want to gain more then the 30 pds alloted for pregnancy.

Maternity clothes? Still none, other then all the baby doll shirts that I already owned, but I'm going to start looking online this week. I was told by a friend of mine to look at Target.com and Oldnavy.com so I'll give both of those a try. I NEED to find a black skirt very shortly. 

Symptoms? Well I'm happy to say the morning sickness for the most part has left. Yay! I find I only really get sick now if I wear myself out or get to tired or if I get too hot. Then it's really bad so I try to stick to my naps and if that's not possible then I go to bed early and stay cool as best I can. I've started getting headaches but they aren't too bad so that's a plus. Oh and the constant acne that I've had since the beginning that just won't go away. So for the most part I've been feeling GREAT! Yay!!

Sleep? It's getting better. I still wake up to pee but not till around 5am or later, but I've had a few nights with Major lower back pain (which I always had before so not really due to pregnancy) but I got a full body pillow and that seems to have helped it so I'm sleeping much better. 

Food cravings? Can't really say... nothing really sticks out. I've been really enjoying watermelon though and constantly drinking water. Other then that the appetite is pretty normal.

What I am looking forward to? The next doctors appt where I can hear the heart beat again and finding out about the sex of the baby. Oh and I can't wait to OFFICIALLY have a baby belly. Right now it looks like one, but I can assure you... it's all just bloating and my stomach that I started with.


 Gifts from friends and family and a little something I picked up:

These are a little gift from my Sister-In-Laws mom. It was the first baby things I got I was soooo excited and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

 This is a crib from the 1800's that my brother Matt picked up for me last week. It's so absolutely beautiful. My plan (cause it's so nice and I want to show it off) is to actually have it in the living room as a little cradle type bed for the baby to take naps in when we're just chillaxing on the couch. If  I were to keep it in the nursery no one would ever get to see it because it's going to stay closed to keep our cats out. 

And these are the first thing I've bought. I found them at the Rexall near our house and could NOT pass them up. They are sooo cute and soft (I want a pair for myself lol)

Enjoy your week and stay tuned for next weeks adventures! 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another Ultrasound

How far along? 13 weeks + 3 days

How big is baby? From head to bum 5.1 inches (that's what she said at the ultrasound, but that seems a bit large for where I'm supposed to be...) So I'm honestly not too sure.

Symptoms? Well this week I seemed to be ok until Thursday. I was so sick I barely left the bed all day, and when I did leave I was running to the bathroom. I think I might be wearing myself out during the week so that by Thursday my body says slow down and relax. I've also been getting some nasty headaches which Tylenol seems to do nothing for. 

Sleep? Still taking naps whenever I can squeeze one in, and still waking up to go the bathroom every night.

Food cravings? Nothing in particular this week, just loving nice cold watermelon. 

Story of the week:
  So this week I had a scare at my ultrasound. The baby wasn't moving... the technician asked me to let a little pee out, and try again. When I came back she still had a concerend look on her face, and said the baby still wasn't moving. I of course started panicking, but luckily the baby was just sleeping (it was noon and i normally take naps at that time, so I'm assuming the baby felt it was sleep time). Anyways she got the baby moving and it was kicking and flailing it's arms, it was so cute. I even was able to see the heart beating. Later on that day I had my second doctors appt and I got to hear the babies heart beating, it was the most amazing thing I've ever heard. I also asked the doctor about Sushi (cause my cousin Jenna who is pregnant said her doctor said it was ok to eat) anyways I'm so happy to say... IT IS!! Yay I can have Sushi! I just have to be careful on the amount of Tuna I eat because that is the one that has the most Mercury. I'm just so happy I don't have to give up my favorite food. So those are my happy moments this week and I'm looking forward to what this week has in store. 

The Latest Picture!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weekly Update

How far along? 12 weeks + 3 days

How big is baby? About the size of a plum. They weren't able to measure at my Ultrasound this week so I'm scheduled to go back in for measuring next week.

Maternity clothes? None yet (although I have a ton of those tops that look maternity, so I'm good for that). This city has one maternity store so I'm stuck shopping online which is really hard since I don't know what sizes I will need. Do i buy the same as i normally would? So right now I'm just thinking Jogging pants will work best (that is what my cousins Andrea and Jenn did).

I look more then 3 months pregnant in this pic cause I've always had a bit of a belly. 

Symptoms? Morning Sickness. I have a prescription for diclectin but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working. I've missed a fair bit of work and even church. I'm always nauseous and have actually gotten sick a number of times. I've also discovered that milk makes my stomach turn so unfortunately I must turn to the more expensive lactose free stuff for awhile. Which also means no more cereal :o( I love that stuff. I'm also still tired ALL the time. I feel as though I can sleep all day everyday. I take a nap during lunch at work (i usually eat a quick sandwich and sleep for the final 25 mins), and again a nap when I get home. Other then that I haven't experienced much of anything else (Well the breast tenderness). I haven't had much heartburn which is good, I had it really bad the first time I was pregnant but this time it seems to not be to much of an issue. 

Sleep? I have to get up to pee once every night but it's not too bad because I can instantly fall back to sleep. With my daily naps I've been able to get tons of sleep. 

Food cravings? At first it was cheeseburgers (which I normally hate) then it was salads, which was a nice turn of events from the greasy fattening stuff, but recently I haven't had much. I do want and drink water constantly (which adds to the having to pee constantly). I every once in awhile will pretend I'm craving something just so I can have it (like dairy queen or wings) lol but shh don't tell the hubby :oP (I know I'm horrible)

What I am looking forward to? Last week I would have said the ultrasound but since I've already had that, I'm looking forward to morning sickness being over and feeling the first movements of the baby. Also getting to see the baby again on Tuesday morning in my second ultrasound. 

Weekly wisdom for the next time around? Try to not have a job. lol I know it's a long shot, but what a pain in the butt it is feeling like you have the flu for months and still having to force your butt into work everyday. The toilets and floors just aren't as welcoming (or as clean) as the ones at home. 

Milestones? Making it to 12 weeks (I lost the first one after 5 so this is a BIG thing for me)! Only 1 more week of this trimester! And then all the morning sickness will magically disappear and I will have all this energy....right? RIGHT? (sorry Rachel I stole your same post I felt the same way).

Our Little Peanut

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The News

OK so it's been MONTHS, I realize this but a lot has happened so I really haven't been able to blog. First... We decided to move and we found a house, then the whole process of packing and moving took over. While all that was happening I found out I was pregnant. YAY ME!!

You will be happy to hear though, that my weight loss was not a total failure, the support I got from you really helped me achieve my goal. I managed to lose 25 pds in total, that's only 5 short of my ultimate goal. So YAY!!! Also, the challenge was to lose the weight before pregnancy, and lucky for me I was able to do so. Now my focus is on the baby.

So my new blog posts will be all about baby and my pregnancy.

I'm now in the middle of my 12th week so the scary part is over (which was stressful for me, because sadly this was not my first pregnancy). The news is now out and I'm happy to say that everything so far is going exactly as it should. I have my first ultrasound on Tuesday and I'm looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to feeling the baby move. I can't wait to be a Mommy and I know Chris will make an excellent Daddy. I look forward to sharing my pregnancy with you and telling you all about my experiences.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Slowly Failling???

So I rewarded myself last weekend (for losing the 10 pounds) with a weekend away with Chris and it was awesome. We went to St. Joe's Island to Mark and Tanya's cabin and stayed there for the a couple days. It was really relaxing and I enjoyed it very much. While I was there though I can't say that I stayed completely on track... I had a fair bit of candies and chocolates just because they were there, and lets face it, I have very little will power. I find myself  "cheating" a fair amount lately. Like I said in my last blog, this is always the time where I seem to stop caring, I start to get comfortable and I just let things go. I'm also finding myself extremely hungry all the time in these last few weeks (which is odd because I was fine before) and so I just eat all the time and not always the healthiest of choices. I also have a husband who likes to cook and make delicious food (which trust me I'm not complaining) but the other day, he made deep fried Chicken and Pickles (in beer batter) so they were incredibly high in calories, but since he worked so hard to make it I didn't have the heart to tell him that I didn't want to eat it. I'm not trying to blame him  though, it is my choices that are causing me to falter. This is honestly the hardest part of my challenge and I'm hoping and praying that I can get through it so I can see the end results and feel absolutely amazing and get my Jeans that Chris has promised me. So here's to the next half of my weight loss challenge. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 7, 2011

10 pound victory!

So I've done it! On Friday morning I weighed myself and I'm happy to report I'm officially down 10 pounds since I've started counting calories and 20 since Christmas which was when I actually started trying.

 Well I really haven't been doing to much in the last week so there isn't much to report. I've been doing lots of walking and I've been staying within my calorie limit. A big concern of mine now that I've lost this weight is that I've hit my usual plateau... Once I get to this point I always seem to get it in my head that I can cheat and eat bad things or that I don't have to work as hard because I've already lost this much. I'm going to try my hardest to stay focused and continue to work out because if nothing else it's making feel alot better about myself.

 For the next half of this challenge (the last 15-20 pounds) I'm really looking forward to fitting into my skinny jeans that right now are snug but should fit perfectly in the next couple of weeks. I'm also looking forward to feeling great in a bathing suit and just enjoying myself this summer so I'm really hoping these positive thoughts will keep me going and give me the push I need to get through.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A little treat tonight

So I started today by eating the left over banana pancakes and added blueberries, strawberries and whipped cream they were delicious!

 My Delicious Pancakes!

Chris also told me yesterday that if I lose the weight I want to and I'm happy with myself and if none of my pants fit me anymore then he will buy me a new pair of Silvers (Jeans). I"m so excited and motivated even more now cause I love those pants. I'm also going to buy one of those dresses as a treat to myself from me.

 Tonight I kinda cheated a little, but I honestly don't feel to guilty for once because it's been so long and I only went off course by maybe  100 calories so it's not sooo bad. We were at my Aunt and Uncles celebrating Stephens and Uncle Neils upcoming birthdays and I had a slice of icecream cake and some ceaser salad. I just couldn't resist. The icecream cake was soooo good. Tomorrow I'll just walk a little longer and eat a little less and I'm sure in the end it will all balance itself out.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


So yesterday I decided I wanted some pancakes for breakfast this morning but I know that they are not always the healthiest thing and I wanted to try something new as well. So I tried searching for banana oatmeal pancakes and I found this AMAZING one which is low in calories and tastes delicious.

Banana Oatmeal Pancakes Recipe
4 servings

1 cup flour
2 tablespoons quick cooking oatmeal
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 1/4 cup nonfat milk
1 tablespoon oil
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
2 egg whites
1 cup sliced banana

In large bowl combine dry ingredients. Stir until blended. In separate bowl combine milk, oil, syrup and egg whites. Whisk until blended. Pour liquid ingredients over dry ingredients. Mix until blended (batter will be lumpy). If too thick, add a little more milk. Brush griddle with oil lightly. Heat griddle over medium-high heat. Spoon 1/4 cup of batter onto hot griddle. Cook just until a few bubbles begin to appear. Arrange 4 banana slices on pancake and turn. Continue to cook until bottoms are golden. Turn carefully and cook until other side is golden. Serve with maple syrup.

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving: Calories 227 - Calories from Fat 37 Percent Total Calories From: Fat 16%, Protein 12%, Carbohydrate 72% Totals and Percent Daily Values (2000 calories): Fat 4g, Saturated Fat 0g, Cholesterol 1mg, Sodium 221mg, Total Carbohydrate 41g, Dietary Fiber 0g, Sugars 0g, Protein 7g, Vitamin A 171 units, Vitamin C 6 units, Calcium 0 units, Iron 1 units 

So if you like pancakes and bananas I encourage you to give this recipe a shot cause it is Mmm Mmm Good. 

Oh and for a few extra variation Nutella would be FANTASTIC on these rather then maple syrup and I'm also going to give low fat whipped cream and strawberries a try with it. Nom Nom

Enjoy and Happy Eating! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts

So yesterday I decreased my calorie intake to 1500 and I'm feeling great about it. I got through the holiday weekend without cheating, but I did absolutely nothing in the way of exercise so I'm not entirely happy with myself but I'm sure if I start exercising this week then I'll feel even better.

I also spent this weekend thinking about my reward for reaching my goal and I thought the idea about a dress was fantastic! So here are a few options I'm looking at (all from Victoria Secret), let me know what you think.

Now I don't know how these dresses will look on me (especially with the clingyness) so please let me know your honest opinion. Thanks!