"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Sunday, February 20, 2011

1 Month and 7 Pounds Down

Well I've made it through the first month and all seems to be going well and I'm much happier with myself then I was when I started. I'm actually feeling pretty and even a little bit sexier and generally just feeling good. I am a little worried about the couple of weeks though, I've made it to this point many times and I always seem to go astray right about now. It's almost as though my brain goes... "well you're happy now so you can stop trying" and sadly I usually do. I then wind up eating a bunch of crap and gaining back everything I just worked hard to lose. I'm going to try really hard to overcome this and push through it I just hope I can stay focused on my goal and not lose sight of it. I'm going to try and focus not so much on the weight now but the reward at the end of it, and I thank Rachel and Jessica for their input on the pedi/mani and hairstyle or colour idea. Those always make me feel new and beautiful so I think they are the perfect way to finish of the weight loss. A whole new sexier me and I'm excited. Here's hoping that I can stay focused for the next month and continue to do as well as I am. Thanks to all of you on this journey so far for all your help and support!


1 comment:

  1. when you complete your weight loss goal, you should treat yourself to a really sexy dress! Always a great way to pull your new look together, and a great way to feel good! :D Pick out a dress, print of a picture so you can look towards it as a goal to help you!
