"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts

So yesterday I decreased my calorie intake to 1500 and I'm feeling great about it. I got through the holiday weekend without cheating, but I did absolutely nothing in the way of exercise so I'm not entirely happy with myself but I'm sure if I start exercising this week then I'll feel even better.

I also spent this weekend thinking about my reward for reaching my goal and I thought the idea about a dress was fantastic! So here are a few options I'm looking at (all from Victoria Secret), let me know what you think.

Now I don't know how these dresses will look on me (especially with the clingyness) so please let me know your honest opinion. Thanks!


  1. I like the 2nd one! Looks like it has a bit of flow to it, so you may not have to worry about the clinginess as much with that one (same with the 3rd). Also the first one, because it has some bunching at the tummy, and it will hide anything you don't like. :D

  2. I can't wear dresses from VS because most of them have built in bras and my boobs ware way too big for them. Boooo

