"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Saturday, July 30, 2011

2 Week Update

How far along? 18 weeks, 3 Days. Sorry for the delay I was really busy and when I wasn't I was lazy.

18 weeks, 3 Days ( a little baby belly going on)

How big is baby? 5.6 inches or 14 cm plus legs! Think sweet potato, or about the size of your palm.

Weight gain? + 3pds, 13pds in total.... I'm glad for the encouragement last week from Rachel who told me it's ok if I gain the weight (just hope my doctor feels the same way :oS). I just hope I can lose it as well as she has after the baby is born, like I did before the baby.

Symptoms? Feeling Fantastic! Which is what I've been waiting for. Although I had a few weird out of the blue days but nothing to crazy. 2 weeks ago, I just randomly got sick, I didn't feel sick, my stomach was fine before and after the baby just apparently did not like what I had eaten that morning. Then on Monday I had an out of the blue I had the full fledged morning sickness again. Weird. Other then that things have been great and I've been feeling fine.

Sleep? Still getting up to pee once a night, and now crazy dreams are being thrown in (not sure if that's pregnancy related or not). Also I'm restless and uncomfortable most nights which leads to poor sleeping, but once again not sure if that is pregnancy related or not.

Food cravings? Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate (last week), Cheeses and Kraft Dinner this week. Weird...

Movement? Not yet.... still not so patiently waiting. I'm honestly starting to get a little nervous cause I haven't felt anything yet (other then that one time weeks ago). I'm  hoping everything is ok in there, I"ll find out on Tuesday at the doctors.

What I am looking forward to? Finding out the gender! It's coming quickly! And of course feeling those flutters.

What we're hoping for: I know Chris really wants a boy (he's scared to raise a girl) and I don't care either way. I do know a boy would be nice though, only for my  poor little cousin Sam. We have 4 little cousins here in the Sault and out of all of them Sam is the oldest and ONLY boy. He's really hoping to have a younger male cousin to hang out with.

Little Gifts:

These are the CUTEST runners from a friend in our Congregation at church. I LOVE them and Can't wait to wear them!

These are the most ADORABLE booties from our roommate Krystal. So CUTE!


  1. I'm not sure when exactly I felt movement but it was later than normal because my placenta was anterior (on the front). The baby would kick and I couldn't feel it because my placenta was blocking it. BOO placenta. Try not to worry!!

  2. Have faith! Everything will be fine! Hopefully soon you will get to feel some movement!
