"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How far along? 16 week, 7 days (I've been really busy so I'm incredibly late with this post)

How big is baby? About 4" plus legs. That's the size of an advocado

So it looks a bit bigger and higher up then last week, but it could just be the clothes i'm wearing.

Weight gain? I've honestly lost count from week to week, but I know I'm up 10 in total. That isn't great but I'm hoping if  I can average it out to 10pds a trimester I'll be fine. Here's hoping the Doctor agrees.

Symptoms? Just nauseous and sick with the heat, (this week is bad especially). Oh and random vomiting when I don't even feel sick. I'm assuming the baby just doesn't like certain foods.

Sleep? Still getting up once a night and my back aches alot but all in all I"m sleeping well.

Food cravings? Aurora's garden salad (those from the Sault know what I'm talking about). I even went to the restaurant and bought just their salad dressing. Now i can have it whenever I want. YAY
Movement? I felt a butterfly like fluttering about a week and a half ago. I'm pretty sure it was baby but I haven't felt it since so I'm excited to see if it happens again. 

What I am looking forward to?Still hearing the heartbeat (my appt. got postpone) and feeling the baby move once again.

Milestones? MOrning sickness.... DONE, Daily Naps... DONE. And coolest thing of all... the baby can now hear. :o) Which means when I talk to the baby I"m no longer a crazy lady speaking to my belly but a loving mother (still crazy) speaking to her BABY!

1 comment:

  1. I gained 48 pounds and my doctor never once mentioned my weight except for once at the very beginning & it was 2 days after Christmas. So I'm sure you are fine!

    YAY for no more morning sickness!
