"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekly Update

How far along? 15 weeks + 4 day

How big is baby? The size of an ORANGE! That's crazy the baby is getting so big so fast!

Weight gain? None this week! So I'm hoping I can manage to stay here for a bit so the doctor doesn't get to upset with me the next time I see him in 2 weeks. 
Maternity clothes? I finally ordered some online at Oldnavy.com and target.com. I'm waiting for them to come in and I'm so excited. I ordered a pair of Jeans, a dress, black and white and a couple tops. I still need a few tshirts but I'm waiting for a sale (everything but the jeans were all on clearance). I was wondering about the b-bands... do they work and are they worth it? I'm really not sure what they are or how they even work. Anyone (Rachel especially) have any opinions on it?

I think this is a baby belly.... but a big part of me thinks it's still just bloating. :o(

Symptoms? Well the morning sickness has basically gone and I'm starting to get more energy. I find myself still getting sick though when it's hot and when I haven't had nearly enough sleep. Other then that I seem to be doing ok now and I'm looking forward to the next 3 months and what they will bring. 
Sleep? It is getting better, I'm sleeping through the night alot more now and I'm not napping nearly as much. (Although I still nap at lunch everyday).

Food cravings? Nothing this past week, just still drinking lots of water. 

What I am looking forward to? Feeling the baby move. I think I felt it earlier this week... it felt like butterflies in my lower abdomen. I haven't felt it again, so I'm really not sure if it was the baby or something else. 

And that's that for this week. Nothing too exciting hopefully next week brings more.

1 comment:

  1. I left you a long comment about the beband and now its gone?

    Bottom Line is that I didn't love it. It rolls and that is not comfy or useful
