"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

3 Weeks Later....

How far along? 31 Weeks

How big is baby? 3.5 pounds and the size of a squash. (Kinda fitting because he's "squashing" my insides... I know cheesy :op )

Gender? Boy - Still haven't decided on a name, and we won't until he's born but we're constantly coming up with ones that we like. A new one being Charles (I LOVE this one), the only flaw...Chris wants Xavier as the middle name (think X-Men) So it seems that no matter what I'm going to lose out on choosing the middle name.

Weight gain? I don't know for sure. I think 30pds, but in the evening it's about 8-9 pds more.... Not fun. I definitely prefer the morning weight.

Symptoms? Peeing all the time, not being able to breath and the heart burn is back.

Food cravings? Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate (not good for the weight gain).

Sleep? No more sleeping on my back, and I'm up peeing all the time. Also I've started having some really crazy vivid dreams.

Movement? Yes. Thank goodness, I had a scare last Wednesday after being sick for the weekend. For a day and half the baby hadn't moved so I called the doctor and they sent me to the hospital. Luckily it was just a false alarm and my baby was being lazy (which made me feel horrible for going, but the doctors all said it was ok and that it happens). Since then the baby has been moving tons and it makes me very happy, and at my doctors appt. on Monday everything went PERFECT. So baby and I are doing great. YAY!

Other Stuff: No outtie belly button yet, not even close yet. I also had my Gestational Diabetes (GD) test done last Tuesday but I still haven't heard the results... I'm a little nervous but I'm praying that everything will be ok. It runs HUGELY in my family and my mom had GD when she was pregnant with me and when I was born my pancreas wasn't working. So odds are I probably do have it, but I'll let you all know after my next doctors appointment in 2 weeks. 

What I am looking forward to? Buying the crib, changing table and dresser and FINALLY setting up the nursery. It doesn't seem real yet, and I'm hoping doing this will make it more realistic. I'm a little torn between which set to get, maybe you guys can help.

Crib Set #1

Crib Set 2

Belly Photo: I will provide one later this week, My camera ran out of batteries and I have to go pick some up.

1 comment:

  1. I like crib set #2 for the reason that the shelves on the bottom of the change table have a little bit of a lip, and your baby stuff will not slide or get knocked off :)

    But, set #1 the dresser looks like its bigger.

    Ok, so I didn't help at all. haha!
