"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another Ultrasound

How far along? 13 weeks + 3 days

How big is baby? From head to bum 5.1 inches (that's what she said at the ultrasound, but that seems a bit large for where I'm supposed to be...) So I'm honestly not too sure.

Symptoms? Well this week I seemed to be ok until Thursday. I was so sick I barely left the bed all day, and when I did leave I was running to the bathroom. I think I might be wearing myself out during the week so that by Thursday my body says slow down and relax. I've also been getting some nasty headaches which Tylenol seems to do nothing for. 

Sleep? Still taking naps whenever I can squeeze one in, and still waking up to go the bathroom every night.

Food cravings? Nothing in particular this week, just loving nice cold watermelon. 

Story of the week:
  So this week I had a scare at my ultrasound. The baby wasn't moving... the technician asked me to let a little pee out, and try again. When I came back she still had a concerend look on her face, and said the baby still wasn't moving. I of course started panicking, but luckily the baby was just sleeping (it was noon and i normally take naps at that time, so I'm assuming the baby felt it was sleep time). Anyways she got the baby moving and it was kicking and flailing it's arms, it was so cute. I even was able to see the heart beating. Later on that day I had my second doctors appt and I got to hear the babies heart beating, it was the most amazing thing I've ever heard. I also asked the doctor about Sushi (cause my cousin Jenna who is pregnant said her doctor said it was ok to eat) anyways I'm so happy to say... IT IS!! Yay I can have Sushi! I just have to be careful on the amount of Tuna I eat because that is the one that has the most Mercury. I'm just so happy I don't have to give up my favorite food. So those are my happy moments this week and I'm looking forward to what this week has in store. 

The Latest Picture!

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