"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The News

OK so it's been MONTHS, I realize this but a lot has happened so I really haven't been able to blog. First... We decided to move and we found a house, then the whole process of packing and moving took over. While all that was happening I found out I was pregnant. YAY ME!!

You will be happy to hear though, that my weight loss was not a total failure, the support I got from you really helped me achieve my goal. I managed to lose 25 pds in total, that's only 5 short of my ultimate goal. So YAY!!! Also, the challenge was to lose the weight before pregnancy, and lucky for me I was able to do so. Now my focus is on the baby.

So my new blog posts will be all about baby and my pregnancy.

I'm now in the middle of my 12th week so the scary part is over (which was stressful for me, because sadly this was not my first pregnancy). The news is now out and I'm happy to say that everything so far is going exactly as it should. I have my first ultrasound on Tuesday and I'm looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to feeling the baby move. I can't wait to be a Mommy and I know Chris will make an excellent Daddy. I look forward to sharing my pregnancy with you and telling you all about my experiences.



  1. congrats SARAH!!!! I'm so glad everything is going well for you! I'm excited to hear about all things baby!

  2. Congrats! And so glad to see you back on your blog! :)
