"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weekly Update

How far along? 12 weeks + 3 days

How big is baby? About the size of a plum. They weren't able to measure at my Ultrasound this week so I'm scheduled to go back in for measuring next week.

Maternity clothes? None yet (although I have a ton of those tops that look maternity, so I'm good for that). This city has one maternity store so I'm stuck shopping online which is really hard since I don't know what sizes I will need. Do i buy the same as i normally would? So right now I'm just thinking Jogging pants will work best (that is what my cousins Andrea and Jenn did).

I look more then 3 months pregnant in this pic cause I've always had a bit of a belly. 

Symptoms? Morning Sickness. I have a prescription for diclectin but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working. I've missed a fair bit of work and even church. I'm always nauseous and have actually gotten sick a number of times. I've also discovered that milk makes my stomach turn so unfortunately I must turn to the more expensive lactose free stuff for awhile. Which also means no more cereal :o( I love that stuff. I'm also still tired ALL the time. I feel as though I can sleep all day everyday. I take a nap during lunch at work (i usually eat a quick sandwich and sleep for the final 25 mins), and again a nap when I get home. Other then that I haven't experienced much of anything else (Well the breast tenderness). I haven't had much heartburn which is good, I had it really bad the first time I was pregnant but this time it seems to not be to much of an issue. 

Sleep? I have to get up to pee once every night but it's not too bad because I can instantly fall back to sleep. With my daily naps I've been able to get tons of sleep. 

Food cravings? At first it was cheeseburgers (which I normally hate) then it was salads, which was a nice turn of events from the greasy fattening stuff, but recently I haven't had much. I do want and drink water constantly (which adds to the having to pee constantly). I every once in awhile will pretend I'm craving something just so I can have it (like dairy queen or wings) lol but shh don't tell the hubby :oP (I know I'm horrible)

What I am looking forward to? Last week I would have said the ultrasound but since I've already had that, I'm looking forward to morning sickness being over and feeling the first movements of the baby. Also getting to see the baby again on Tuesday morning in my second ultrasound. 

Weekly wisdom for the next time around? Try to not have a job. lol I know it's a long shot, but what a pain in the butt it is feeling like you have the flu for months and still having to force your butt into work everyday. The toilets and floors just aren't as welcoming (or as clean) as the ones at home. 

Milestones? Making it to 12 weeks (I lost the first one after 5 so this is a BIG thing for me)! Only 1 more week of this trimester! And then all the morning sickness will magically disappear and I will have all this energy....right? RIGHT? (sorry Rachel I stole your same post I felt the same way).

Our Little Peanut

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