"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Friday, September 16, 2011

Weeks 24 and 25!

How far along?  25 Weeks, 2 Days

How big is baby? More than 1.5 pounds and the size of an eggplant! So crazy he's growing so fast.

Gender? Boy, no name yet... we won't officially decide till he is born and we see his beautiful face. We have a few thoughts though: Rory, Elijah, Drake, William, Evan, Ethan, Cameron and a boatload more. What do you think? I like the name William the best so far but Chris is determined the middle name be Robert after his step-father. SO William Robert... sounds great in long form but short form for both becomes Billy Bob or as my brother Mark likes to call him Bilbo. Sadly enough tho this name has now caught on and even I'm calling him Billy Bob or Bilbo lol. My poor child is doomed.

Weight gain? I weighed myself yesterday and I was -2 pds... so I'm going to say total weight gain so far about 20pds.

Symptoms? Leg and foot cramps, insane shortness of breath and oh the HEARTBURN. Thank goodness it's a myth, otherwise I'd have a little Austin Powers on my hands (remember in the movie, he came out with a hairy chest). Oh the mental pictures lol.

Food cravings?Nothing really, not since my sprinkle doughnut, which even though I still find them oddly delicious, I'm not needing one everyday.

Sleep? Good. I wake up to change positions every now and again and pee but other then that I can't complain. Seriously... I'm in bed by 930 most nights and I'm out cold immediately. I'm loving it. 

Movement?Lots and lots of hickups but not too many kicks (in fact they're very rare lately... should I be concerned)? I was supposed to see my doctor yesterday but once again he had to cancel so now I'm stuck waiting till the 27th (that's almost 2 months since my last appt.) I'm debating if I should call up my regular doctor and schedule an appt with him just to make sure. What do you think?

What I am looking forward to? Seeing my doctor!!! Feeling more baby kicks and just the next 3.5 months in general.

Belly Photo: None this week cause honestly it hasn't changed since my last post... another reason why i'm concerned... I don't seem to be growing. :o( 

 Alright... so Rachel requested below that there be a belly shot no matter what so here it is: 

Favorite Moment: About a week ago we were laying in bed and Chris was actually able to feel the baby move. He didn't say much, just that it felt almost like a heart beat (I think it was a hiccup)  and he gave me a kiss and cuddled. This little moment made me realize that even though he's terrified he's still going to love and cherish our son just like I will.


  1. YES go to your family doctor.
    Also for kicks, my doctor told me I should get 6 kicks every hour. So make sure you are getting that. It doesn't have to be a HUGE kick. Just noticeable movement.
    Take picture even if you don't think there is a difference, for ME. I want to see! If your belly doesn't seen bigger you are probably just at a point where the baby is developing. He'll grow again once his parts are more developed. Do you get weekly emails from Baby centre? It tells you what the baby is doing each week. I recommend signing up for them.
