"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The World So Far

Age: 14 Days Old (A whole 2 Weeks)! Wow time flies.
Weight: 7lbs 6oz
Clothing Sizes: I was in Premie for the first little bit, mommy had to go buy me some smaller clothes, now I'm in my newborn stuff and some 0 - 3 month clothing, but alot of times that's big on me, but I look anyways.
Eye Colour: Getting darker by the day, almost a black right now, with a hint of brown sometimes. Looks like mommy isn't going to get her dark haired blue eyed boy she wanted. It's ok though she still thinks I'm precious.
Food: Well I really didn't like mommy's milk so she had to switch me to formula for her sanity, but it's ok the doctor approved and I'm healthy as a horse.
My Favorite Things to do: When I'm awake I love to stare at my mommy and daddy and whoever else is holding me. I also love to look around and check out my surroundings, and I really love my swing and my vibrating chair. I also have this amazing grip that holds mommy and daddies fingers and likes to pull on daddies chest hairs.
Mommies Favorite Things: The way I stare at her and the funny faces I make when I'm gassy, she also loves Grandma and Grandpa who have been able to help her out with taking care of me while she's been sick. Hopefully she feels better soon so she can hold me a little more.
Things I Really Don't Like: Getting my bum or clothing changed and taking a bath, basically anything that makes me cold.
My Favorite Place to Sleep: Well at Grandma and Grandpa's it's in the Wiesel bassinet (a family heirloom) and at mommy and daddies I prefer my car seat, but they're trying to get me into my Moses basket from my Aunt Rosie Rains. So far it hasn't been too bad, but since mommy and I spend a lot of time at Grandma and Grandpa's while daddy is working, that's where I sleep the most.
Adventures I've Been On: Yesterday Mommy took me to the Chiropractors to get the gas out of me (it really seems to be working) and today we're going back again. We've also been to see the Doctor who says I'm doing really well and we've done a little bit of shopping too. The world is huge and everyday I learn a little bit more, I can't wait to see what's going to happen in the days to come.

Eli 1 Week old and Hanging in his vibrating chair 
Eli at 10 Days old, this is mommies favorite picture
2 weeks old

1 comment:

  1. We gave Henry baths in his baby bath tub on the bathroom counter. First we would turn the shower on as hot as it would go, to fill the bathroom with steam. Then, since it's so warm, Henry LOVED baths. Give it a try!!

    Also. Get a wipes warmer. It's not a necessary item, but it makes diaper changes more enjoyable for the baby!
