"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Thursday, April 12, 2012

3 months later....

So I want to start off  by apologizing to all my readers for the hiatus I've been on from blogging. I want to blame it all on being a new mom and the fact that it takes up a lot of time, which it is quite an adjustment but definitely not the cause. Sadly everytime I have time to spare, when my parents have Eli, or I'm just at their house hanging out (like I am right now), I'm either cleaning or on my newly discovered addiction http://pinterest.com/. It is amazing and honestly and truly a life sucker lol. Anyways now that you know where my time has gone... here is an update on my wonderful life with our son.

Weight: Last time I checked was 12lbs (about a week ago), but I should state that at his 2 month appointment he was 10 pounds 9oz and a week and a half later he was 12.... CRAZY.

Length: On April 6th he was 22 inches long, I'm pretty sure he's gotten longer but it's not so easy to measure him.

Eating Habits: Well at 11 weeks he wasn't satisfied anymore with just formula (he was eating every 2 hours and screaming bloody murder) so we took the leap and started adding rice cereal to his formula. Success! He now eats every four hours again during the day (4-6 oz) and at night he eats one big 6-8oz bottle with an extra scoop of cereal and lasts 12 hours till the morning. It is AWESOME!

Sleeping Habits: Well seeing as he goes 12 hours from night to morning without food, I'm pretty lucky because he sleeps about 9-10 of those hours. Although he is in the habit of loosing his soother and then crying till we come put it back in his mouth. We are trying to work on this and it's slowly getting better, the first few nights it started at 4am and then every hour after that. Now he lasts till about 6 or 7 and we only have to place it back in once maybe twice. All in all I'm a fairly well rested new mom and I can't complain.

Favorite Thing: If you remember my last blog from when he was 2 weeks old... he hated being bathed... well thanks to my cousin Rachel  who suggested we steam up the bathroom first. He LOVES his bath. He could be in the foulest of moods but when we put him in there he splashes and plays and just has a ball. Thanks Rach!

What He Hates: Tummy Time. I don't know why but he has never liked it, which kinda makes me scared that he won't learn to crawl, any hints on how to make this more enjoyable?

New things he can do: Well since it's been over 3 months since my last post he can definitely do A LOT of new things. He laughs and smiles all the time, he's starting to hit and grab objects. He's more focused when he looks at stuff and can recognize voices and faces. I'm still waiting for him to roll over but he's not quite there yet, almost but not yet.

Adventures he's been on: Well for a new born baby he's been to quite a few places. At 6 weeks old we took him to Florida on a plane. He was AMAZING! He travelled so well, I was so proud of my little man. While he was there he got to meet his Aunt Tanya for the first time and he absolutely loved her. A couple weeks after Florida we took him on a 5 day trip to 4 cities. Sudbury, Cambridge/Kitchener, Toronto and Northbay. He travelled very well in the car the whole time, except for on the way home he finally got sick of his car seat and we had to find different ways to calm him down on the way home. But all in all my little guy did fantastic and we had a wonderful time.

Special Occasions: On February 1st 2012, Eli was Baptised. His Great Uncle Neil (the Bishop Jansen) held the service and it was a wonderful evening and on Tuesday March 6th 2012 he was sealed by the Apostle Dzur. It was such a beautiful service and we were so happy he was able to make a special visit in order to do this. Many friends and family were able to make it to the services and we were so happy to have them all a part of it and share in these wonderful moments.

Rougher Times: So yes he sleeps through the night now (and even early on he only ever really woke up once to eat), but he is starting to teeth and has had a cold basically since the day we took him home from the hospital. He's still trying to fight it, and has been having a hard time eating some of his bottles (I think he has a sore throat by the way he's acting with it but not sure, I'm not a doctor lol). He hasn't had a fever or anything (just a little warm sometimes) but I'm still not sure if I should bring him to the doctors cause what can they really do. So I've just been giving him infants Tylenol as he needs it and doing vicks vapours at night in his humidifier and nose drops (which the doctor suggested last time I brought him in for this cold). This morning he seemed a little better but we'll see how it goes the rest of the day. We also successfully made it through his first Immunizations (I had a friend bring him in, I couldn't do it  lol) but once again thanks to Infants Tylenol it made things a little easier. I also must give thanks to my Parents and Aunt Iva and Uncle Neil (they help when mom and dad aren't around) and my facebook friends who give great advice when I'm in need that help make these hard times that much easier with their wonderful love and advice. Thanks!

How I've been doing: I thought I'd give you guys a little update on myself... things have been going quite well with Chris and I considering the big adjustment to our lifestyle but we're definitely managing. I've now started trying to focus on losing my pregnancy weight since the weather is getting nicer and I'm learning how to incorporate Eli into my walking routines. So be warned I blog about weight loss every now and then and how things are going with that challenge, and if anyone has any yummy healthy recipes like smoothies and stuff please feel free to send them to me. Thanks!


                                                             In My First Month ~ January

My Baptism (Wearing my Big Cousin Sam's old baptism outfit) 

Me and My big Cousin Nate (He's 5 weeks older) Can you tell who is who?

My Proud Uncle Mark! This is the first weekend he ever met me!
I was 3 Weeks old

My Second Month ~ February

Chilling on Grandma's Lap... I think she was trying to get me to smile lol

Me and my Big Cat Doofy, chilling out watching Backyardigans while my mommy gets ready.

Where we stayed in Florida... It was BEAUTIFUL There!

Me and My uncles chilling in our Florida Condo
My Aunt Tanya. She Finally got to meet me! (I was 7 Weeks old)

Uncle Marky and Aunt Tanya! 

My Third Month ~ March
Loving Life

Me and My Great Grandma Wiesel, She was here for My Sealing

Sitting up like a big boy. 

Nap Time!
My sealing (me and my family, sadly due to work my Uncle Mark and Aunt Tanya could not join us)

My Gangster Suit at my Sealing. What a handsome man I am

My Fourth Month ~ April

Not another picture mom

Me and my Mommy ( the first and only picture we have together)

How Mommy found me one morning after I spent part of the night crying for my soother , I FOUND IT!

Playing Around

My drooly little dude! Gotta love him

So there it is, the last 3 months. I really hope I can stop procrastinating and update you all a little more often. Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend! 

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