"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Monday, April 16, 2012

Teething... So it begins

Well it's begun, the inevitable teething. I now have a drooling, cranky sick baby on my hands. I've heard about how bad it is but you really don't believe it until it's happening. We've been trying to figure out ways to make him feel better, freezing water in his soothers, teething rings (he's still to little to figure out what to do with those) and Ora-jel but nothing seems to be working. We give him Tylenol when he gets too bad but we really don't like using that as our go to solution. Any of you moms out there have any ideas? We're at a loss. I for the moment have found one solution... It seems to take his mind off his teeth and stop the crying, the solution... TV. I have a three month old that seems to love it. In fact when I turned it off he started screaming... I feel like a horrible mom... He's already addicted to the TV but if it stops the screaming can it really be that bad?

Watching Cars.

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