"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The weekend... I DID IT!!

So I always find weekends are impossible to stay on track. First off on Saturday I'm home all day and usually bored so therefor to pass the time I eat.... I eat anything I can find. Well this Saturday I managed to stay on track and I felt GREAT!!! I didn't go for a walk like I wanted to sadly because it's like -20 outside and well, I don't hate the way I look THAT much, so instead I just continued with the calorie counting and stayed 200 calories below my alloted amount for the day. Today was a tough one because it's church day, and church day always means yummy unhealthy food. We started out with Sunday School where we had french toast with the kids, but luckily for me I brought a clementine and ate that. After church when the fellowship came out I avoided it by staying upstairs in the auditorium and having fellowship with a few of the members there. I also found out in my calorie counting that by house cleaning (moderate) for an hour, you lose 250 calories!!! Who knew?? So I did that and a quick 15 minute workout that came with my skecher shape ups. (which btw worked my calves, thighs and core woot woot). So because I managed to burn off over 300 calories, I was able to partake in a delicious supper and my Aunts house tonight with the family. I had a little bit of everything (and stayed withing my calorie limit for the day, with 200 to spare!!). I got to eat bbq ribs and chicken wings, I had 4 potato wedges, 2 onion wrings (sadly yes they were deep fried but oh so good), 1/2 a cup of yummy cheddar ale soup, a slice of black olive cabiatta bread, salad (lots of that) and a GINORMOUS (and I mean it when I say it) pickle.  Man if i can eat like that and still lose weight just by staying within the allotted calories and exercising (which if i hadn't done, i wouldn't have been able to eat half of that stuff, for 2 ribs it's over 200 calories OUCH) then this will be easier then I thought. I know the grease wasn't good for me, but i figure once in a while in moderation can't hurt. So all in all I feel this weekend was a great success and I hope next weekend will be just as easy. Have fun and a good week to all!!



  1. Awesome work! Am I related to this aunt? Because that dinner sounds SO good. I love your new blog design!!
