"A Child is the greatest Joy, the ultimate Blessing"

~Emily Laughton~

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Challenge

So I've decided to try and lose some weight to feel better about myself but i always find that I can NEVER stick to it whenever I try. A few years ago i managed to lose 60 pounds by eating right and walking, I had never felt better. Well 5 years and a husband later I've gained about 30 of that back, and just don't feel "pretty or sexy" anymore. So I've decided to start this blog to challenge myself and hopefully keep me motivated everyday to keep going and stay fit. I hope that by doing this I can get the support that I need from my family and friends and the encouragement when I fail to get back up and start again. In the end my goal is to be to the weight I was when I first met my husband and keep it off. Another reason for doing this is that I have some preexisting back issues from childhood and when I gain weight it hurts to walk and do basic daily activities. Now I haven't had any major issues with this as of yet, but my fear is that when my husband and I decide to have a child that with the extra weight I will have issues carrying it so I'm hoping that being proactive I can be a healthy mom and have a wonderful happy pregnancy when the time comes.